Inter-Entity Transactions
Automate Loan Account entries
Due-to & due-from transactions are automatically generated, based on user-defined routes. Complex routes across multiple entities are supported when there are no direct inter-entity account relationships between the transacting entities.

Comprehensive audit trail
Full details of all generated entries are logged for auditability, including transaction status and details of any errors, helping you remediate issues and ensure entities remain in balance.

Multi-Database Features
The Multi-Database Edition includes all the features that come with the single database edition, plus Cash Management, plus more, including:

Cash Management
The Muti-Database Edition includes Cash Management features. Allocate payments or receipts for invoices in one company, using a bank account in another company. Transfer invoices from one company to another for consolidated processing. Process bank transfers between companies.

Triggers & Advanced Features
Inter-Entity Transactions supports multi-currency setups, triggering of additional transactions, and numerous other advanced features, e.g.: