Settle customer and vendor documents in just a few seconds!
AR-AP Settlements for Sage 300cloud allows linking related customers and vendors, irrespective of their currencies, and offsetting their open documents. Shows aggregate balances for Settlement Groups. Supports also one sided settlements. For example, prepayments made to vendors may be applied to open invoices of other vendors belonging to the same Settlement Group.

Less manual work
Drastically reduced number of manual adjustments.
Drastically reduced number of manual adjustments.
Audit of settled documents
Settling a number of documents in a single transaction. An audit report is available.
Settling a number of documents in a single transaction. An audit report is available.
Automatic Settlements
Settlement of the documents belonging to the same Settlement Group with a single click using Automatic Settlements.
Settlement of the documents belonging to the same Settlement Group with a single click using Automatic Settlements.
Reduced ongoing costs
Easy installation, configuration & support.
Easy installation, configuration & support.
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