Sage Projects
Projects supports every type of project from simple jobbing through to multi-customer projects with massive work break down structures.

Manage every aspect of your Project budget

Record multiple budget lines for each task in the WBS
- Each task can have multiple budget lines. Budget for revenue, labor, sub-contractors, expenses and materials.
Budget using Price or Cost Plus (Margin or Markup)
- Budget your projects using quantity times price or use cost plus by margin or markup
Snap Shot Budgets
- Snapshot budgets for base-line versus current versus actual reporting.
Budget Statuses
- Manage changes to budgets with budget statuses - Base Line, Unapproved Change and Approved Change. Fully project change management available if required.
Transaction Capture
Capture transactions directly from most Sage 300cloud transaction screens. Code one line or code all lines - no need to create a project specific document.
The following screens are supported:
- A/P Invoice Entry
- A/P Payment Entry
- A/R Invoice Entry
- A/R Receipt Entry
- A/R Recurring Charges
- G/L Journals
- I/C Shipments
- P/O Orders
- P/O Receipts
- P/O Invoices
- P/O Credit Notes

Mobile Timesheet
Mobile timesheet available for Apple and Android phones and tablets.
Capture documents like receipt images or Excel spreadsheets for uploading into the Sage 300cloud database - secure and available everywhere.

Windows Timesheet
Capture time and expense information directly from your windows desktop with timers that record your work as you complete it.

Outlook Timesheet
Turn your appointments directly into Timesheets and log associated expenses. Setup recurring appointments to automatically code your timesheets. Invite other Outlook Timesheet users to the appointment and code their timesheets automatically.

Browser Timesheet
Our most populate time and expense capture option. The web based timesheet is easy to use and allows week based entry of time and expenses including document upload. The web timesheet can also be used for team timesheet review and approval.

Reimburse Staff for Out Of Pocket Expenses
Expenses captured in the timesheets can automatically generate A/P invoices to reimburse staff for out of pocket expenses.
Projects has many options for billing including:
- Time and Materials in Summary
- Time and Materials in Detail
- Invoice in Advance (from A/R Invoice Entry or the Payment Schedule Screen).
Also supported is automatic billing based on the task configuration.

Create Fixed Assets
For capital projects, turn the work in progress into Assets in Norming Fixed Assets. New assets and additions are supported.

Create Inventory
Turn work in progress into a stock. For example, when jobbing, ship a part to be reconditioned to Projects, add labour, expenses and other materials then generate inventory automatically.

Projects provide a comprehensive set of customization tools that allow you to tailor the product to fit your exact requirements.

Projects Tags
- Tags is a powerful screen designer that allows the end user to create and customize the user interface in Projects. New one to one or one to many entities can be created allowing capture of data specific to your business. Multiple tag types are available including - Text Box, Numeric Text Box, Multi-line Text Box and Password. - Date Picker - Rich Text (allowing embedding of documents) - Check Box, Toggle, - Combo, Multi-Select, Auto Complete - Query Output
.NET Add-In
- Develop a Projects .NET add-in to add more complex functionality to the product. The create asset and create inventory are an example of a Projects Add-in. Build entire applications or simply develop a web service client that silently updates your other systems when a project changes.
REST Web Service
- Use the Projects REST web service to integrate into your systems. Build your own custom endpoints for 100% fit.