SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report
Viewing Stock Aging in Sage 300 from a Different Angle
SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report is designed for viewing and printing stock aging across all locations defined in I/C based on receipt information. The core difference between the SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report and the Sage 300cloud I/C Aged Inventory Report is that the SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report shows the quantity of each item in the inventory grouped by item age, whereas the Sage 300 I/C Aged Inventory Report shows inventory related transactions in their respective periods.

Reduce Stock Maintenance Cost
The product helps to identify non-moving inventory items accurately and minimize long-term storage charges for products that are unsold for too long. It improves cash flow and reduces bank overdraft... show more
The product helps to identify non-moving inventory items accurately and minimize long-term storage charges for products that are unsold for too long. It improves cash flow and reduces bank overdraft charges by monitoring the amount of money tied to inventory. show less